We are glad to announce the immediate availability of eForm Version 4.17. This has been a sponsored improvement by one of our awesome customers. It focuses primarily on page based scores and improving custom fields in integrations.
Accept format strings and custom value in integration metadata
eForm now accepts format strings or arbitrary hard-coded values in most of the third-party integrations.

New Score related Format Strings
The following new format strings have been added.
- %SCORE_PAGE_1% – (String) Gets you a properly formatted score obtained / score total for the relevant page. (eg: 1,000 / 2,145 ).
- %OSCORE_PAGE_1% – (Float) Gets you the score obtained for the relevant page.
- %MSCORE_PAGE_1% – (Float) Gets you the maximum score (or “out of” score) of the relevant page.
- %SCOREPERCENT_PAGE_1% – (String) Gets you properly formatted percentage score (eg: 76.45%).
- %SCOREPERCENTRAW_PAGE_1% – (Float) Gets you numeric value of percentage score of the relevant page.
Read more about it here.
Additional Rows in Summary Table
Now you can customize rows in the summary table. You can any number of new rows, which can show:
- Value of a form element.
- Format String evaluation.
- Or, an arbitrary hard-coded value.

Please read more about it here.