Releasing eForm v4.9

Hello everyone. We are happy to announce the release of eForm version 4.9. Most of our team members are still busy with EForm v5 (spoiler: it will be GraphQL powered), but we still managed to pull some resources for general bug fixes and a few improvements for v4 channel. Here are the major changes.

Gutenberg Blocks

With eForm v4.9, we have added gutenberg blocks for all of the corresponding shortcodes. Previously we only had added the blocks for form embed, popup and reports. With this release the blocks are complete with all system shortcodes, leaderboard and form statistics.

search by /eform

We have also updated our documentation for the blocks.

Resend webhook on form update

This has been one of the requested feature.

Starting version 4.9, you can resend eForm webhook during form update.

Other changelog

  • New – Option to resubmit webhook during form update.
  • Update – Improve eForm Login forms.
  • Update – Improve performance and asset loading for standalone form pages.
  • Fix – Form Trends Gutenberg block.
  • Fix – Category and form filter under User Portal.
  • Fix – Missing validation in Stripe Payment Gateway.
  • Fix – Stripe subscription issue with multiple API keys.
  • Fix – Multiple network request on same CSS file.