Hello everyone. It’s been a wonderful start of a new year and we’ve been busy working on the next generation Form Builder for WordPress.
But that’s not all. While developing the next gen plugin is indeed taking up most of our time, we have been at work to deliver the next version of our existing plugin too. So without further ado, let’s dig into eForm v4.15 and see what’s new.
eForm v4.15 supports PHP8
This was the biggest task for this version. We now support PHP8. We have carefully assessed our codebase and all dependencies to make sure it runs properly on PHP8. While this is the initial work, some bugs might still be present. If that is so, please let us know and we will immediately take a look.
PHP8 support has also been extended to our exporter add-on and we’ve checked to make sure all other add-ons work fine.
Other Improvements
We’ve also improved WooCommerce integration and user notification emails. Please find the complete changelog here.
That’s all. eForm should auto-update to this new version as soon as it is available. If not, you can also download from codecanyon and update manually.